Weather Emergency

Severe weather conditions can adversely affect operations at Cornell Tech. The Cornell Tech administration monitors weather forecasts to ensure that Cornell Tech is prepared to respond to projected weather conditions and make informed recommendations about delayed openings, early dismissals, or closings.


Decisions on changes in operations made by:

Dean and Vice Provost

Chief Administrative Officer

Sr. Director, Facilities Operations


Cornell Tech Community

  1. If adverse weather is predicted for New York City and surrounding areas procedures are in place to evaluate the likely effect on the campus, the residential building and access routes to and from Cornell Tech. Cornell Tech may choose to close or delay normal operations in whole or in part.


Cornell Tech’s guidelines:

Cornell Tech will generally remain in operation and classes will continue during inclement weather unless NYC announces a closure of the NYC public school system or our campus is inaccessible (e.g. extended power outage).  Cornell Tech leadership will monitor weather conditions as well as other conditions in NYC and determine if the campus will close. During inclement weather, note:

  • Employees are expected to make reasonable efforts to maintain their regular work schedule but are advised to avoid undue risks in travelling.  Employees who anticipate arriving late or not at all should notify their immediate supervisor. Supervisors are asked to be understanding in those circumstances and to discuss work schedules with their staff.  With supervisory approval, staff may charge their time off to accrued health and personal leave or vacation.  Alternatively, and with supervisory approval, nonexempt staff may request to make up the time in the same workweek or take leave without pay.  Even in times of inclement weather, campus employees are asked to continue meeting the academic, research, and student support needs of our community. 
  • Students are also expected to make reasonable efforts to attend classes if the campus remains open but are also advised to avoid undue risks if travelling.  Students who anticipate that they will not attend classes should notify their professors and make arrangements for assignments.
  • With all that said, the safety of our employees and students is always the highest priority.  Personnel and students should use their best judgment to determine when they should travel and avoid any undue risk. 


In the event that Cornell Tech closes or that there is a change in operating status, a TechALERT will be sent out via our Rave emergency mass notification system.

  1. There may be situations when it is best to stay where you are during a weather emergency. Shelter in Place means to stay indoors because of dangerous conditions outside the building, including severe weather, falling debris or other unsafe conditions. Seek shelter in a classroom, your residence, office or other similarly protected area. Close and stay away from all windows.
  2. The decision to cancel classes may be made at any time during the day as conditions warrant. If adverse weather affects the campus during normal business hours’ information will be supplied through department supervisors, email notices, and TechALERTS. Additionally, if adverse weather impacts Cornell Tech outside of normal business hours the Cornell Tech community should monitor radio and television stations for current weather conditions, official instruction and to obtain information about Cornell Tech closings and delays. Information can be obtained from:


Cornell Tech Safety & Security Website 

Cornell Tech Email System


WINS 1010 AM


WOR 710 AM


CBS Channel 2

NBC Channel 4

FOX Channel 5



In the event of a weather emergency, Cornell Tech’s emergency communication system will be utilized to notify the Cornell Tech community via text message, email and voicemail about the status of Cornell Tech operations. Cornell Tech strongly urges all members of the Cornell Tech community to register to receive text & voice TechALERTs via Workday & Student Essential portal.